In the mystical land of internet memes, where fried chicken reigns supreme, there arose a legend known as the KatFC Coin. Born from the whimsical fusion of Colonel Sanders' secret recipes and the mischievous antics of a cat, this coin emerged as a symbol of chaotic delight.
As the KatFC Coin continues to frolic across the meme-scape, it leaves a trail of finger-lickin' goodness and feline mischief, inviting all who dare to embrace the absurdity of the internet's wild frontier. So come one, come all, and let the adventure of KatFC Coin whisk you away on a whimsical journey unlike any other!
Tokenomics that munch: 10% for this innovative finger meowing team
10% used for the aggressive advertising
A whopping 80% locked up safely in LP to ensure firm footing for the cats community’s good growth.